
Welcome to Shenkman Corporation.

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Shenkman Corporation.


In addition to capital, we bring a staff of flexible, dynamic professionals, and seasoned principals to every investment. Our experience developing commercial and residential real estate, and operating various manufacturing and service businesses around the globe has taught us the importance of planning, careful analysis, and sound judgement. We are one of the premier ottawa developers.

The Shenkman Corporation invests with a number of co-investors in Canada and the United States. We are strategically aligned with numerous companies seeking investment opportunities in real estate development and operating business around the world. We understand the business of investment capital, recognize opportunity, and value entrepreneurship. We strive to bring them all together in order to maximize shareholder value.

Cloud Based Avada Finance


Shenkman Corporation is the premier ottawa real estate developers.

We invest in commercial, industrial and residential properties. Our goal is to achieve long-term appreciation and consistent returns. We look for properties situated in expanding, vibrant communities in which people and businesses wish to locate. We are also landowners and developers, having developed thousands of acres for commercial, retail, and residential communities in Ottawa, Canada, and around the globe.

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